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— August 25, 2024 at 7:04:08 AM

love your zelda shrine---reading your thoughts on minish cap is bringing back old memories. can hear the ost as i'm writing this biggrin

animecat August 24, 2024 at 8:38:31 AM
What's your favorite game?: Ace Attorney

i'm always checking the status.cafe feed from my phone, and i'm happy to say your site does look great on mobile! i understand why lots of personal sites only account for desktop, in the spirit of "fuck that phone, the web belongs on the computer" but this means half the time i open anyone's site, its layout is totally garbled on my phone and i never remember to go look at it on my computer TT_TT so thank you for going the extra mile!

Lou August 22, 2024 at 12:45:05 PM
Your website, if you like: https://themby.neocities.org/

Thanks for your kind message in my guestbook!! Your site is really lovely! I like the colour scheme!

KunFuCutsMan August 19, 2024 at 5:29:12 AM

Greetings! I come from the null webring and I also wanted to say hi! I'm commenting this from my phone so I'll check your website later on my computer, I like the style you went for; it reminds me of one of those glowy terminals you see in sci-fi movies

Sorr August 5, 2024 at 1:39:22 AM

Hi Azure! I'm your DS ring neighbor stopping to say hi smile I see you love meteorology; I took a course in meteorology and found it fascinating! Have a great day!